Highplex FL modules

Brightplex: Combining the power of multiplexing & the ease of chromogenic IHC to assess complex immune phenotypes in the TME

11 June 2019 | In this webinar, Dr Anna Martirosyan and Dr. Emmanuel Prestat will introduce the Brightplex platform, including a description of the MDSC Panel, the workflow and techniques employed. A discussion on how the HALO(R) image analysis platform is integrated as an image processing component of the workflow, and how the technology can be applied to investigate the immune contexture of tumors will follow.

Brightplex: Combining the power of multiplexing & the ease of chromogenic IHC to assess complex immune phenotypes in the TME Read More »

Combined analysis of tumor buds, lymphocytic infiltration and their spatial relationship within the tumor microenvironment improves prognostic accuracy colorectal cancer

29 May 2020 | In this webinar, Ines Nearchou from the University of St. Andrews will discuss the methodology and the results of the study which were recently published in Cancer Immunology Research.  By way of introduction, Dr. Kate Lillard Tunstall, CSO at Indica Labs, will highlight briefly some of the HALO image analysis tools which were used in the study.

Combined analysis of tumor buds, lymphocytic infiltration and their spatial relationship within the tumor microenvironment improves prognostic accuracy colorectal cancer Read More »

Transforming tissue-based translational research with advanced multiplexing technologies, image analysis and cloud collaboration

25 October 2018 | With its high spatial heterogeneity and biological complexity, the tumor immune microenvironment presents a characterization challenge for translational researchers. Conventional immunohistochemistry (IHC) methods only provide insight into a limited number of markers of interest. In this 60-minute webinar, Dr. Sean Downing from Ultivue will explain how they are overcoming these limitations and extracting meaningful, highly multiplexed biomarker data from whole slide images using Ultivue’s proprietary multiplexing technology, UltiMapper™ I/O, in combination with the HALO® image analysis platform. He will describe how Ultivue’s technology works with existing stains and scanners, and finally, how Ultivue utilizes HALO LINK™ as its digital image management tool to facilitate remote access to biomarker data and secure file sharing with its customers across the world.

Transforming tissue-based translational research with advanced multiplexing technologies, image analysis and cloud collaboration Read More »

Ultivue Webinar Features HALO Image Analysis: End-to-End Application of UltiMapper Kits for Multiplexed Immuno-Profiling in FFPE Tumor Samples

18 July 2018 | In this webinar,  the Ultivue technology and UltiMapper™ I/O kits will be introduced including a fully optimized, automated and optimized staining protocol on the Leica BOND RX platform.  Avoiding any linear unmixing after image acquisition, the UltiMapper I/O whole slide images are directly analyzed using the then processed on Indica Labs HALO software, to derive cell counts, marker co-localization and proximity data analyses. HALO therefore provides the analytical tools to tap into convoluted biomarker signatures and answer complex biological questions posed by the tumor micro-environment.

Ultivue Webinar Features HALO Image Analysis: End-to-End Application of UltiMapper Kits for Multiplexed Immuno-Profiling in FFPE Tumor Samples Read More »

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