Indica Labs invites you to attend our East Coast Quantitative Pathology & AI User Group Meeting to be held in Cambridge, MA on April 11th, 2019 from 1 PM to 6 PM. Lunch will be served to all pre-registered workshop attendees from 12 PM to 1 PM – limited space available.This year’s program features outstanding guest speakers representing globally renowned cancer centers, biotech and pharmaceutical organizations who will discuss how they use the HALO image analysis and HALO AI deep learning platforms to achieve their research objectives in immuno-oncology, tox pathology and beyond. Additionally there will be presentations from Indica Labs highlighting new features in HALO, HALO Link and HALO AI.You do not need to be a current HALO user or Indica Labs customer to attend. We welcome anyone who is interested in learning more about Indica Labs’ quantitative digital pathology solutions to register for the meeting.
East Coast Presenters:
Michael SuraceScientist
MedimmuneVaishali ShindePrincipal Scientist
TakedaKjetil Ask Associate ProfessorMcMaster University