AI Powered, Pathologist Driven

Enterprise Digital Pathology Platform

Enhancing Diagnostics with AI​

HALO AP® is an AI-powered, pathologist-driven diagnostic pathology platform for primary diagnosis, remote working, and other routine workflows in anatomic pathology. Learn how HALO AP® improves patient care and clinical laboratory workflows in the video below.

Faster Diagnoses​

Increase the efficiency of your diagnoses without compromising on accuracy. The case-centric HALO AP® platform enables slides to be reviewed from any location the moment they are scanned, allowing pathologists to diagnose cases remotely without waiting on the physical transfer of slides. 

Collaborate with Colleagues Near and Far

With just a few clicks you can send out cases for a second opinion, resulting in improved patient care, reduced turnaround times, and eliminated shipping costs.

HALO AP® enables pathologists to expand their reach by receiving inbound digital consults.

An AI-Ready Pathology Ecosystem​

Elevate your diagnostics and clinical research by deploying off-the-shelf AI tools with HALO Clinical AI, including Breast IHC AI, Lung PD-L1 AI, HALO Prostate AI, SlideQC BF, and Lung Macrodissect AI.

Prefer another AI or image analysis solution? HALO AP® seamlessly integrates with a variety of third-party AI solutions via its open architecture. Ask us how you can leverage our application programming interface (API) to easily integrate any AI or image analysis tools of your choice.

Customized and Secure Deployments

HALO AP® offers on-premise or cloud-based deployments that work within your IT framework. With enterprise-grade administration, you can easily scale the number of users as your lab grows and configure roles and permissions.

Our Cloud Services division helps organizations migrate to, manage, and optimize their cloud deployments, delivering a highly performant, flexible, and secure environment. You can count on our AWS Certified Solution Architects, Technical Solutions Team, and our knowledgeable applications support.

HALO AP® Integrates into Existing Laboratory Frameworks

HALO AP® works with your laboratory information or laboratory information management system (LIS | LIMS) instead of replacing it. Access the right data at the right time by integrating with your LIS | LIMS, eliminating the need to move between platforms. Open, API-first technology supports bi-directional connectivity to any application.

True Interoperability

HALO AP® is compatible with files from all major scanners and our staff are well-versed in data migration, with expertise integrating most LIS | LIMS systems in enterprise-wide deployments.

Conducting research? Feed your pipeline using the option to export deidentified cases and manage the images with the HALO Link collaborative image management system or another IMS.

Comprehensive Integration, Training, and Support Services

At Indica Labs, we take pride in providing top-quality support. Our applications team provides comprehensive software training, and our technical teams will support your IT department with all aspects of deployment.

Already using an image management system? We understand that the idea of moving to something new can be daunting. It may not be as hard as you think! Reach out to us to find out how simple transitioning can be.

Platform Compatibility

HALO AP® is compatible with a wide range of image file formats, devices and browsers. Please email us for information on existing LIS | LIMS integrations and other formats not listed. Languages supported include American and British English, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, French, and Finnish.

File Formats:

  • Non-proprietary (JPG, TIF, OME.TIFF, DICOM [DCM*])
  • Leica (SVS, AFI, SCN, LIF)
  • Hamamatsu (NDPI, NDPIS)
  • Philips (iSyntax, i2Syntax)
  • 3DHistech (MRXS)
  • Nikon (ND2)
  • Akoya (QPTIFF, component TIFF)
  • Olympus / Evident (VSI)
  • Zeiss (CZI)
  • Ventana (BIF)

    *whole-slide images


  • Windows PC
  • Macintosh
  • Most Tablets


  • Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge​

Have you heard the news?

Indica Labs just announced the 510(k) cleared HALO AP Dx platform for diagnostic digital pathology.
Empowering Pathologists in Diagnosis

Features of the AI Powered, Pathologist Driven HALO AP® Platform

Streamline the diagnostic process by centralizing all relevant case data with HALO AP®. With slides, gross images, clinical notes, and prior case history all in one location, workflows are simplified, efficiency is enhanced, and errors are minimized.

Automate workflows, enhance diagnostic accuracy, and reproducibility with AI in HALO AP®. HALO Clinical AI, including Lung Macrodissect AI, Breast IHC AI, Lung PD-L1 AI, HALO Prostate AI, and SlideQC BF, seamlessly integrate with the platform. Built for open pathology, HALO AP® allows users to bring in third-party algorithms, including Lunit and Deep Bio, without ever leaving the platform.

Want to integrate another AI product? Request our software development kit.

Modernize tumor board preparation with the dedicated Tumor Board module in HALO AP®. Effortlessly build case lists ahead of meetings and eliminate the stress of last-minute case additions. With all case notes, annotations, and comments at your fingertips, you can quickly recall key information during discussions.

HALO AP® supports a diverse array of workflows including immunofluorescence and z-stacks and is customizable to meet your specialty and research needs. ​​

HALO AP® offers a wide range of tools to enhance the process of collaboration and consultation: easily share cases with annotations and notes, run tumor boards, request second opinions, and provide second opinions to other pathologists.  
HALO AP® streamlines clinical trials across multiple hospitals and CROs by enabling coordinators to create, manage, and monitor trials from a single interface. The blind scoring feature simplifies blinded workflows, making clinical trials, research studies, and system performance validation easier to conduct. Results can easily be exported for downstream analysis. 
Whether you’re using CAP, ICCR, RCPath guidelines or your own proprietary synoptic reporting forms, HALO AP® makes it simple to develop customized synoptic reports and collect high-quality histopathologic data. 

Modernize your macrodissection workflow with HALO Macrodissection Solutions. Quantify the tumor content of your macrodissection annotation regions and have confidence that samples sent for genetic analysis are adequately concentrated.

When combined with the Tissector automated macrodissection platform from our partner Xyall, labs can create an all-in-one, fully-automated, entirely auditable macrodissection workflow.

What Our Customers Have to Say

Read reviews about our HALO AP® Enterprise Digital Pathology Platform ​and learn how these customers are using Indica Labs’ solutions to streamline their workflows.

Great Customer Care

“Excellent customer care given post installation and training has been really hands on. Any issues are swiftly dealt with and feedback is always welcomed from the Indica team. Katie especially has been really supportive and has made the integration of digital pathology at NUH smooth and relatively stress-free.”

Niamh Longwill

Expert Scientist Dissector

Great software, very easy to use!

“I use HALO AP every day in my working environment. I find it very easy to use and it does exactly what I need it to do to carry out my job. The Indica team that deal with NUH are very friendly, attentive and always respond quickly to queries. They listen really well to feedback and are always asking how they can improve HALO AP. I have used other Digital Pathology IMS's in the past, but this is my favorite by far.”

Alice Edwards

Specialist Biomedical Scientist

Easy to use

“Easy to navigate and highlight cases for prioritization. Ability to tag pathologist for attention.”

Samuel Saunders

Lead Administrator

Knowledge Center

Learn more about HALO AP® and associated AI algorithms by exploring the tabs below.


Curious about the features of HALO AP®?

Wondering how HALO AP® integrates into laboratory workflows? 

Watch this video to learn more about the power and flexibility of HALO AP®. ​

SlideQC Application Note

Read this app note to learn how our AI-powered SlideQC BF quality control algorithm can help enhance efficiency, improve the quality of diagnostic, research, and archival material, and future-proof labs.

Lunit SCOPE PD-L1 and HALO AP® Application Note

Download this Application Note to learn more about how Lunit SCOPE PD-L1 was integrated into the HALO AP® digital pathology solution at Guardant Health.

HALO AP® and HALO AP Dx Brochure​

Download our brochure to learn more about how HALO AP® brings AI-powered digital pathology to labs across the globe.

HALO Prostate AI Brochure

Check out our HALO Prostate AI brochure to learn more about our CE-IVD certified deep learning-based screening tool designed to assist pathologists in the identification and grading of prostate cancer in core needle biopsies.

HALO AP® Cloud Services Brochure

Discover how our Cloud Services team can provide a secure, scalable, and flexible cloud deployment of HALO AP®.

SlideQC BF Brochure

Learn more about the automated workflow and benefits of utilizing SlideQC BF.

Lung PD-L1 AI Brochure

Learn more about the automated workflow and benefits of utilizing Lung PD-L1 AI.

Lung Macrodissect AI Brochure

Learn more about the automated workflow and benefits of Lung Macrodissect AI.

HALO AP® Deep Bio Case Study

Discover how the seamless integration of third-party image analysis algorithms, such as DeepDx from Deep Bio, with HALO AP® can benefit your lab.

HALO AP® NUH Case Study

Learn more about Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust’s transition to digital pathology and how HALO AP® has played a pivotal role in improving diagnostic efficiency and patient care.

Cloud Services and AI Diagnostics Case Study

Learn how the optimized, scalable infrastructure provided by Indica Labs Cloud Services enables the rapid development and robust collaboration of our AI Diagnostics group, powering the next generation of automated AI-based decision support tools.

An Automated Clinical Workflow Integrating an AI-driven PD-L1 22C3 Scoring Algorithm into a Browser-Based Digital Pathology Solution​

Discover how Guardant Health has seamlessly integrated Lunit SCOPE PD-L1 with HALO AP® for enhanced PD-L1 analysis.

Development & Validation of an AI-based Tumour Cell Estimation Algorithm for Use in a Lung Adenocarcinoma Molecular Pathology Workflow

Learn more about the development and validation of an AI-based molecular pathology algorithm for estimating tumour cells in lung adenocarcinoma. 

Development & Validation of an AI-based Workflow for Clinical Scoring of HER2, ER, PR & Ki67 Immunohistochemistry in Breast Cancer Tissue

Explore Breast IHC AI, a deep learning-based workflow for evaluation of breast cancer. ​

An Automated Deep Learning Artifact Detection Tool for Quality Control of Whole-Slide Digital Pathology Images​

Explore SlideQC: an AI-based tool which identifies pre-analytic processing errors in whole-slide images for quality control in digital pathology laboratories.

Automated PD-L1 Tumor Proportion Scoring Algorithm in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer for Multiple Companion Diagnostic Assays​

Read about the development and validation of an AI-based PD-L1 scoring algorithm for HALO AP®.

Novel CE-IVD Certified Deep Learning Clinical Workflow for Quality Control, Diagnosing, and Grading of Prostate Cancer Core Needle Biopsies

Learn more about Indica Labs’ novel CE-IVD certified deep learning clinical workflow for prostate cancer grading.

HALO AP Integrations

Read this white paper to learn about the importance of integration and interoperability in digital pathology and explore examples of how flexible solutions like HALO AP® can enhance workflow efficiency and diagnostic accuracy.

HALO Clinical AI

Indica Labs offers industry-leading clinical AI products available for off-the-shelf deployment in HALO AP®. Every algorithm can be set to run before the case is released to a pathologist, leading to time savings and more efficient workflows. Click on each product below to learn more.

HALO Prostate AI

A CE-IVD certified deep learning-based screening tool for prostate cancer.

Learn More
Breast IHC AI

An automated, AI-based decision-support tool that standardizes scoring of HER2, ER, PR, and Ki67 IHC in breast cancer cases.

Learn More
Lung PD-L1 AI

An automated, AI-based decision-support tool that standardizes the scoring of PD-L1 IHC in NSCLC cases.

Learn More
SlideQC BF

An automated, AI-based tool for quality control of whole slide H&E- and IHC-stained images.

Learn More
HALO Macrodissection Solutions

AI-powered tools that quantify tumor content and guide ROI selection to enhance macrodissection workflows and downstream molecular analysis.

Learn More

Regulatory Compliance

​HALO AP® is CE-IVDR marked for in-vitro diagnostic use in Europe, the UK, and Switzerland. HALO AP® is For Research Use Only in the USA and is not FDA cleared for clinical diagnostic use. In addition, HALO AP® provides built-in compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11, HIPAA, and GDPR.

HALO AP Dx (K232833) is FDA-cleared for primary diagnostic use with the Hamamatsu NanoZoomer® S360MD Slide scanner in the USA. In addition, HALO AP Dx provides built-in compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and HIPAA.

HALO AI Prostate is CE-marked for in-vitro diagnostic use in Europe, the UK, and Switzerland. HALO AI Prostate is For Research Use Only in the USA and is not FDA cleared for clinical diagnostic use. HALO AI Prostate is accessed via the HALO AP® enterprise digital pathology platform.

Breast IHC AI is For Research Use Only and not intended for clinical diagnostic use. Breast IHC AI is accessed via the HALO AP® enterprise digital pathology platform.

Lung PD-L1 AI is For Research Use Only and not intended for clinical diagnostic use. Lung PD-L1 AI is accessed via the HALO AP® enterprise digital pathology platform.

SlideQC BF is intended to be used as a quality control tool for whole slide images and is not regulated as a medical device in the EU/UK. SlideQC BF is for Research Use Only in the USA and is not FDA cleared for clinical diagnostic use. SlideQC BF is accessed via the HALO AP® enterprise digital pathology platform.

HALO Macrodissection Solutions are not intended to be used for diagnostic purposes and are not regulated as medical devices in the EU/UK. HALO Macrodissection Solutions are For Research Use Only in the USA and are not FDA cleared for clinical diagnostic use. HALO Macrodissection Solutions are accessed via the HALO AP® enterprise digital pathology platform.

Deploy HALO AP® in a Fully Managed Cloud-Hosted Environment

In addition to on premises deployments, Indica Labs offers optimized deployments of HALO AP® software hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS). We manage all aspects of implementation and ongoing maintenance to provide a highly performant, scalable, and secure AI-enabled HALO AP® environment in the cloud. You maintain full ownership over your AWS account while our AWS Certified Solutions Architects manage your infrastructure and HALO AP® software environments. 

Learn more about the benefits of cloud-hosted environments in our recent blog post or reach out today to our Cloud Services team by using the form below and learn whether a managed cloud deployment is right for you. 

Want to Learn More?

Fill out the form below to request a recorded or live demo of HALO AP® or any of our other products or services.

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