HALO, HALO AI, and HALO Link 4.0 are now available!
If you do not have an active SMS plan but would like to upgrade to 4.0, you will need to purchase SMS coverage for your product license(s). You can do so by clicking the button below.
How it works:
- If you have an active Software Maintenance and Support (SMS) plan, you can complete the form below to request your upgrade.
- Following submission of an upgrade request form, a member of our Technical Solutions Team will reach out via email to advise you of the earliest available installation appointments for your region and schedule your software upgrade(s) accordingly.
Email support@indicalab.com where your local Applications Scientist and/or Technical Solutions Engineer will be available to answer any questions you may have on these releases. -
Want to learn more about HALO, HALO AI, and HALO Link 4.0?
Check out our 4.0 blog for a full list of new features and functionalities.